Announcing Rustup 1.24.1

Apr. 29, 2021 · The Rustup Working Group

The rustup working group is happy to announce the release of rustup version 1.24.1. Rustup is the recommended tool to install Rust, a programming language that is empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

If you have a previous version of rustup installed, getting rustup 1.24.1 is as easy as closing your IDE and running:

rustup self update

Rustup will also automatically update itself at the end of a normal toolchain update:

rustup update

If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website.

What's new in rustup 1.24.1

Firstly, if you have not read the previous announcement then in brief, 1.24 introduces better support for low memory systems, installs itself into the Add/Remove programs list on Windows, and now supports using rust-toolchain.toml files.

Shortly after publishing the 1.24.0 release of Rustup, we got reports of a regression preventing users from running rustfmt and cargo fmt after upgrading to Rustup 1.24.0. To limit the damage we reverted the release to version 1.23.1. The only substantive change between 1.24.0 and 1.24.1 is to correct this regression.

Other changes

You can check out all the changes to Rustup for 1.24.0 and 1.24.1 in the changelog!

Rustup's documentation is also available in the rustup book.


Thanks again to all the contributors who made rustup 1.24.0 and 1.24.1 possible!

  • Alex Chan
  • Aloïs Micard
  • Andrew Norton
  • Avery Harnish
  • chansuke
  • Daniel Alley
  • Daniel Silverstone
  • Eduard Miller
  • Eric Huss
  • est31
  • Gareth Hubball
  • Gurkenglas
  • Jakub Stasiak
  • Joshua Nelson
  • Jubilee (workingjubilee)
  • kellda
  • Michael Cooper
  • Philipp Oppermann
  • Robert Collins
  • SHA Miao
  • skim (sl4m)
  • Tudor Brindus
  • Vasili (3point2)
  • наб (nabijaczleweli)
  • 二手掉包工程师 (hi-rustin)