The 2019 Rust Event Lineup

May 20, 2019 · Rust Community Team

We're excited for the 2019 conference season, which we're actually late in writing up. Some incredible events have already happened! Read on to learn more about all the events occurring around the world, past and future.

December 15-16, 2018: RustRush

Yes, RustRush was actually in 2018, but we didn't cover it in the 2018 event lineup so we're counting it in 2019! This was the first Rust event in Russia. You can watch the talk videos and follow the conference on Twitter.

March 29-30, 2019: Rust Latam

The Rust Latam Conference is Latin America's leading event about Rust. Their first event happened in Montevideo this year, and the videos are available to watch! Rust Latam plans to be a yearly event, so watch Twitter for information about next year's event.

April 20-23, 2019: RustCon Asia

RustCon Asia was the first Rust conference in Asia! The talk videos are already available on YouTube! Follow @RustConAsia on Twitter for future updates.

April 26-29, 2019: Oxidize

Oxidize was a conference specifically about using Rust on embedded devices that took place in Berlin. The videos are now available on YouTube, and follow @oxidizeconf on Twitter for future updates.

June 28-29, 2019: RustLab

RustLab is a new conference for this year that will be taking place in Florence, Italy. Their session and workshop lineup has been announced, and tickets are now available! Follow the conference on Twitter for the most up-to-date information.

August 22-23: RustConf

The official RustConf will again be taking place in Portland, OR, USA. Thursday is a day of trainings and Friday is the main day of talks. See Twitter for the latest announcements! The videos are now available on YouTube.

September 20-21: Colorado Gold Rust

Colorado Gold Rust is a new conference for this year, and is taking place in Denver, CO, USA. Their CFP and ticket sales are open now, and you can also follow them on twitter!

October 18-19: Rust Belt Rust

This year's Rust Belt Rust will be taking place in Dayton, OH, USA, the birthplace of flight! The CFP and ticket sales will open soon. Check Twitter for announcements.

October 26th, 2019: Rust.Tokyo

Rust.Tokyo is a one-day conference for Rustaceans with 200+ attendees in Tokyo, Japan. The ticket sales are open now, and you can also follow them on twitter!

November: RustFest Barcelona

The exact dates for RustFest Barcelona haven't been announced yet, but it's slated to happen sometime in November. Keep an eye on the RustFest Twitter for announcements!

We are so lucky and excited to have so many wonderful conferences around the world in 2019! Have fun at the events, and we hope there are even more in 2020!